Sunday, February 5, 2012

Antique Square Art Walk is here!

At Antique Square, we value probiding a wholistic experience to our shoppers and visitors.  Antique Square strives to be more than just a shopping destination, but a palce to also celebrate the arts, culture, music, education, and so much more that our virtual and real worlds can provide!

With that being said, allow us to introduce the first Antique Square Art Walk exhibition.

Join us in welcoming guest artist Haveit Neox in showcasing 10 original works spotlighting his beautiful sim, Sparquerry.  Haveit has recently been a featured artist with a sim-wide exhibition on a LEA sim in December.

From now until March 10, Haveit's images will be displayed around the Antique Square.  Please take a moment to stop in , walk around, and enjoy the work.  Please read more about Haveit's work on the page on this blog dedicated to the exhibit.

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