Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fireworks tonight!

Just a reminder to not miss tonight's fireworks show at Antique Square's pier.  The show starts at 5:00 PM SLT, so make sure you arrive a little bit early to get good seats.  It's an all-ages show, no admission, no dress code (other than please be dressed thanks), and we hope to see you there!

In order to best enjoy the fireworks tonight:
  • Turn your Particles (in your Graphics settings) up to at least 1024.
  • Your Draw Distance doesn't need to be too high; between 64 and 96m will be plenty to see the show by.
  • Turn on your music stream!  There will be a selection of tunes to go with the fireworks
  • Stay back behind the ropes, a safe distance from the launchers.
  • Please refrain from screen-filling gestures or obtrusive particles during the show.
  • If the pyrotechnician receives 1000L in tips during the show, she will blow up a certain breedable type chicken at the finale.  If she receives 5000L in tips, she will blow up a half dozen certain breedable type chickens at the finale.

See you tonight at 5PM!

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