Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Penny Saved: Antique Sales Promotional Week 1

Salutations ladies, gentlemen, children, and all residents of our virtual world!

This Sunday marks the first in Antique Square's newest exciting activity - A Penny Saved.  A Penny Saved is a week-long sales promotional that happens every other week.  Shopkeepers electing to participate in the week will have a new item set up for you to check out and take home for a price between 50 and 75L.  These items are exclusively at their Antique Square location for this week and at this price!

Come on by and check them out!  Look for the items with the Penny Saved sign and Penny for savings!

This week, our theme was "Rain".  After all, April showers are supposed to bring May flowers...

Here's what you can find at Antique Square!

Clover's Kitchen brings you warm comfort food for a rainy day with this 6-prim Grilled Cheese Skillet.  The skillet features particle "grease splatter" effect, sizzling sounds, and steam; and offers a choice of melt-in-your-mouth grilled cheese sandwich (with or without bacon and/or tomato slices) with a click.

Also included with the Grilled Cheese Skillet is a prop cutting board, with knife and tomato slices, to enhance the decor in your kitchen.  The cutting board also has 6 prims.

Both pieces are No Mod|Copy|No Trans and can be had for a steal at Antique Square's "A Penny Saved" promotion!

Colette of Sweet Sorrows has built this lovely and relaxing pergola! Chat or cuddle and let it rain :-)

 Stop by the Park to check out this lovely gazebo built by Tess of Spargel Antiques!

Look inside Nadeau Shoppe for this Antique Sunflower Rain Measurement device!

Remember, these items are on sale until April 21at Antique Square only!

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